Featured Flower - Gerbera Daisy

Featured Flower - Gerbera Daisy
Fabulous long lasting cut flowers. Grow them in a pot outdoors in summer and bring it in for flowers all winter long.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The big picture

I think we need to add on to the house.... either that or take out the pool table so I have more room for seedlings. I sure wish I wrote down when I put the plants out into the greenhouse last year. This is what the pool room looks like in front of the windows, and if I about turn, more on the other wall.

But that's not all. This used to be the "spare" bedroom. Thank goodness for the Murphy bed which gets the heck out of the way! From the doorway you get a glimpse of the mess which I tidy constantly because it is tight and gets messed up every time I plant or transplant. A lot of little plants crammed into this tiny room.

As you can see, there is no room on any of my stands for more plants. Well, a couple on one in the pool room, but all the ones on the floor are just catching rays for the day and will be going on the stand come night time for some extra light.

I shudder to think what all this lighting has done to my power bill this spring. And once again, I am out of potting soil. I really like the Garden Club stuff from Canadian Tire, but they only have it in small bags yet. Seems the big ones are outside covered in snow. It does not seem to be mostly peat moss, which I really don't like as it gets so hard and crusty if it dries out too much. I sure hope they bring it in soon - and put it on sale.

I planted Livingston Daisies in those two bright green pots. Will post pictures when they look like something - i.e. they bloom.

Today I started some blue Morning Glories and Statice. I am dying to start my watermelon and butternut squash, but it is still too soon.

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