Featured Flower - Gerbera Daisy

Featured Flower - Gerbera Daisy
Fabulous long lasting cut flowers. Grow them in a pot outdoors in summer and bring it in for flowers all winter long.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I plant, therefore I am

Oh man, will I ever learn? There are just so many pretty seed packets in the stores...
And why is it that seeds that cost $6 and have only 10 in a packet only germinate at about 50%, but the 99 cent packages have hundreds and every one germinates? And who needs 300 cabbage plants? That reminds me, I was going to start some cabbage...
The biggest cost is the darn soil. Takes a lot to fill all those little cell packs. I spend an average of 3 hours a day looking after everything. Some days it is as much as 8 hours, some just an hour making sure everything is watered. Good thing we had a lot of snow, as our water is very bad for plants so I have to melt a lot of snow.
Below are a few pictures of what I have on the go - in video form.

I think I have more than I will need... so if there is something you want, make sure to let me know. I will be selling off the extras the long weekend in May and the weekend before that. I hope to make enough from selling my plants to cover the cost of seeds, soil, flats and propane which I need to keep everything from freezing once it goes into the greenhouse. Last year I used 5 tanks of propane alone!

The long weekend I also plan to have a garage sale and also sell all the antiques I really don't need. So if you want to come for a drive - see you then. In the meantime, you can follow along and watch the plants grow!


  1. Oh I miss my Convulvulus, it climbed so beautifully! Maybe it's a good thing I'm a long drive away - I'd clean you out of everything! Have fun with it!! Lots of love, Tara

  2. Wow! Wish I could come and see that garden when it is done! All the best, Judy C.


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